I used what was sent to me and very little else, I chose the images from the cd which had so much it took me about an hour just deciding how I was going to do these cards as their were different ways of printing them out, and then envelopes to go with everything, backing papers and the different styles to cut out the images... I eventually printed out the 8 cards and then set about putting my brain cells to work, I had with me very few bits, glitter, buttons, silver roses, glues bits of ribbon, (the big one is off a birthday present I got), I did not have my cutting board with me so could not cut any shapes etc. I must say that with ease anyone, does not matter how much experience you have can make these cards, I have made these simple cards without any cutting machine or over embellishing the cards. I found that the printer ink was not used up, but then I always look at the amount of colour on the images and chose accordingly, I also find that my red is used up the most in all my craft printing so always have a spare, but in this case I did not need it.
I hope you like my cards and please if you can check out the POW on www.createandcraft.tv you will see more of the samples and whats on the CDRom.
Thanks for stopping by. Debbie T